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When Bonnie was picked up by animal control wandering along a highway in Utah, she would've had no clue that in just a few short weeks she'd be facing a death sentence. Seems that the shelter was so stressful for her all she wanted was to get out or have the other dogs leave her alone. Since neither was really an option, she became urgent! This is how Bonnie came to GPRRUM and a lot has changed since then, she has since been adopted and returned, due to no fault of her own. She now finds herself in an absolutely wonderful foster home and is ready to find her forever home, this is what her foster mom says about her..... Bonnie is an absolute joy and one of the most low maintenance dogs you will meet! She came to her new foster two months ago and a quiet environment with a regular routine has done wonders! The first couple of weeks were an adjustment with her foster brother. Bonnie wanted a safe, dark space (in this case the guest bedroom) and growled at her foster brother the first few days when he came in. After a week, they were getting along swimmingly and sleeping in the same room together. Now Bonnie initiates play with her foster brother at least once a day (generally before their morning walk). Bonnie weighed 107 lbs when she came to her foster home and with daily exercise and a healthy diet (all natural people food, think the Farmers dog) she has lost at least 10 lbs. She loves her daily walks (about an hour each day) but would probably be fine with less. She is one of the laziest dogs you will meet! -loves to sleep -good with bathing and having her nails cut -loves to eat (she and her foster brother wait for their food together but she will bark or growl if he trying to take over her “food” territory -does not chew or have separation anxiety. -Very independent. -Likes to dig once in awhile -is a Pyrnees and likes to patrol the perimeter and notify her owners of any & more about Bonnie
Sheba is guessed to be around 6 years old. She absolutely adores people and can’t get enough attention!  She’s good with other dogs who are submissive and give her space. She encountered kittens and paid them no attention. She also doesn't understand her size so small animals should steer clear.  She is a certified fence jumper! She can clear a 6' vinyl fence! What an athlete, this girl is! Not to worry, she can easily be walked on a leash or put out on a zipline as long as she isn't left alone. She is a good girl in the home alone if you need to run errands! She has been bounced around from home to home and in and out of shelters where she shuts down. We found her a temporary foster with moments left to get her safe and now she desperately needs a forever family! This girl can't seem to catch a break and she needs her very own HERO! Are you going to be that HERO for her?    
Aspen came to us just in time, she was in a rural Utah shelter about to be euthanized.  Sweet girl loves people, she can't get enough attention. She lives in a foster home with 2 other dogs and a cat and does great! Aspen loves her outside time, especially in the cooler weather. She loves to sit outside and soak up the sun! She makes great use of the doggy door! She also loves the comforts of home, a nice nap on the couch is a great afternoon past time.  This beautiful girl would be a great floof to add to any family! Aspen is being fostered in Utah
Kuiu (Mia) and her sister Timber were found as strays after they had been on a waiting list to surrender to a shelter. Not sure what happened to them but a foster stepped up and they found themselves in rescue! Mia has a lot of energy and loves another dog to play with! No chickens!! She loves people and affection! She's a very smart girl. Although she hasn't been an inside dog she seems to have house trained herself, by not going to the bathroom in her pen. If she was to become a house floof she would hopefully pick up house training quickly! Mia needs 6ft secure fencing, this girl has been known to jump a fence or two! She is being fostered in Utah.
This boy is a miracle! He was so fortunate to be found, in the middle of nowhere in Utah, by some very kind people who would not leave him there. Got him to the vet who said he wouldn't have lasted another day. Shot and attacked by coyotes, we have no idea how he got there or how long he'd been out there alone. We called him Amos, Famous Amos after his story made the news. A wonderful foster stepped up and took amazing care of him, nursing him back to health. They called him Iroh and that name has stuck with him.  He has recently moved to a foster in MT to work on a few house manners and finish getting ready for his forever family.  Iroh was just neutered and had a cracked canine removed. He's growing his hair back and gained all the weight he needs to cover his ribs and hips! He's playing with dogs at the dog park, learning to be good with the cat. He loves his walks and is good on a leash. He adores people and all the attention he can get. This sweet boy will just melt your heart and be a wonderful member to any family!
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We Are Open! -- Wednesday May 31st, 2023
Great Pyrenees Rescue Resources Utah Montana is a registered 501c3 non profit organization


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